Fundraisers are an essential part of the Big Mac Band organization. |
We have a large budget that can only be met with everyone’s help. The profit from the fundraisers helps to cover many items which are needed in order for our Band to function. An item as simple as a bottle of water is taken for granted as always being there. The Boosters must purchase several pallets of water every school year to keep the students hydrated. The profit from the fundraisers must be there to purchase something this simple yet very necessary.
Current Fundraiser | Order Form/Flyer | Estimated Start | Estimated End | Contact |
Penn State Sticky Buns | Order Form | Current | April 26, 2024 | bmbbwaysandmeans at |
Unless noted, please contact Fundraising Committee Chair, Erin Wheat, with questions.
Additionally, see the Concessions page for information on this activity.